Sunday, August 22, 2010

We made it!

It's official: we're SF residents! We arrived safely & soundly last Sunday-- happy to report a successful, non-problematic journey from MN to Cali. However, after 6 days of car- living, tent- pitching, & slow-leaking-air-mattress- sleeping, we were definitely ready to have a home again :)

Then on Monday-- after waaaay too much headache & hassle-- our goods were delivered {side note: never never never use WeHaul Moving Co! Long story short: the fee jumped an additional $1100 after they hauled our stuff away...} So, we've spent the week making our bare bones apartment liveable... fast forward 1 week, 100 boxes, 85lbs of garbage, and a rockin' trip to IKEA, and we're finally home again.

News on the job front...ummm.... no. Rest assured friends and fam, we are searching endlessly and applying as best & as fast as we can. In the mean time we'll just keep enjoying our ramen noodles, grilled cheese sandwiches and $1.99 bottles of wine ;) Ok ok, just kidding {kind of}, but we are hopeful this week will bring promising leads on gainful employment!

Dan strapped on his backpack and went to grad school orientation on Thursday. He came home chatting away & rearin' to go... mostly excited about some potential new friends....

Here's a sneak peak of our whirlwind adventure across the wild wild west:

Sad to say goodbye to fam & friends

Finally on the road

Salt Lake City, UT

Our noble steed

Somewhere in Nevada

Lake Tahoe, CA

Last night on the air-mattress

Hallelujah! Our things have arrived!

The perfect housewarming gift from Kate & Chris!

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