Thursday, August 26, 2010


Good news for peeps like us who are trying to conserve our rapidly dwindling moolah-- lots of free things to do in San Fran!

Last weekend we navigated Muni (municipal transport, aka: buses/lightrail) to find ourselves the haps in the fair city. Lucky for us, it turned out the mission district was hosting the San Francisco Street Food Festival. Cheap, ethnic, delicious food + people watching galore= feast for the senses. We had a grand ol' time :)

Sunday: conquered Muni once again {we're getting more & more adept every day!} and found our way down to a city park that hosts free concerts on Sundays during the summer. They Might Be Giants was playing, and we... well mostly Dan... were excited for yet another fun + free to-do. And this was no little to-do.

Approximately 8,000 people were there... the park was positively swimming with eager fans and other cats looking to relax on the bea-u-tiful day and listen to some rockin' tunes.

Trekking through the woods to find the concert

found it...

Our view of They Might Be Giants from the wooded hillside

Top the weekend off with some instant Netflix flicks in the eve & we had ourselves a fabulous weekend #1.

Only missing some amigos to share it with... Come visit?

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